Bid money links for Gool-Bama-Lights

Protectionism and bailout stimulus are against consumer sovereignty and economic vigor as first target into Obama's brain. Then how to setup action US Admnistration for public new departure wellbeing  ?

Let people make money links at Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor . Let the personal webcashmotor make webcashmatic plusvalues and daily-cash-results. Let me have my personalized-money merged with my time into webliving-dynamic-savings.

Don't laugh Sarkozy, because linking money-at-money is my Gool-Bama-Cash recipe. Do you havea a better solution ? Be positif my gun.

Wordle: Gool-Bama-Cash Setup


Mauro Francisco Cáseres said...

Donde dice "Have you a better solution?", deberìa decir "Do you have a better solution?" o "Have you got a better solution?"

Saludos mi amigo.
Mauro Càseres

Obliterator said...

Escribe en cristiano, milico hulk de mierda, hablas puras incoherencias. Esclavo del fascismo imperante.
